Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A Mouse to attract more Switchers?

Apple Computer introduced the Mighty Mouse, the next generation mouse that has multiple buttons and a scroll ball.

From the Apple website:

"Meet the mouse that reinvented the wheel. The scroll wheel, that is. At $49, Mighty Mouse features the revolutionary Scroll Ball that lets you move anywhere inside a document, without lifting a finger. And with touch-sensitive technology concealed under the seamless top shell, you get the programability of a four-button mouse in a single-button design. Click, roll, squeeze and scroll. This mouse just aced the maze."

This is a shift away from Apple's position that a single button mouse offered all a Mac user needed. Is this a move to get more people who are considering the Switch To A Mac to finally purchase their first Mac? Windows users have historically complained about Apple only offering a single button mouse. Will this move by Apple finally get more people to Switch? I think it will and I applaud Apple on this initiative. Good job Apple!

The new Mighty Mouse is available at the Apple Store for only $49.

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At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is actually a pretty cool move by Apple. Basically what they've created is a mouse that out of the box that acts just like a single button mouse which is what they have always evangelized. Power users however can customize the mouse to act as a two button mouse. It gives Apple the best of both worlds!

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Having played with one at the Apple Store, I have to say I was a little disappointed. It felt very flimsy and cheap. Add the desire to make the mouse aesthetics' "cool" makes for some first confusing clicking, especially by a newbie. A straightforward two-button mouse would have been much better.


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